
Office 365 feature comparison chart all plans

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Office 365 plans and subscription levels that are available. It is not easy to find the information when you are looking to buy just the right plan for your organization.

hanging or mixing plans
As the needs of your organization change, you may need to change your Office 365 plan. You can switch from your current Office 365 subscription to another Office 365 subscription:
– In the same service family: For example, you can move from Office 365 Business Essentials to Office 365 Business Premium, or from Office 365 Enterprise E1 to Office 365 Enterprise E3.
– From a standalone plan: For example, you can move from Exchange Online Plan 1 to Office 365 Enterprise E1.
– To a different service family: For example, you can move from Office 365 Business Essentials to Office 365 Enterprise E3.
For information about how to change subscriptions, including how to move from a trial to a paid subscription, see Switch to a different Office 365 plan or subscription.

office365 plans

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Improved communications and tools help you stay better informed during service incidents

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Office 365 is designed with service continuity at the very center and we stand by this commitment through our financially backed guarantee of at least 99.9 percent uptime.

Reducing the frequency and impact of service incidents remains an important part of our continuous improvements. We do not take lightly the imperative we have to earn your trust through reliability. This is why we invest in resiliency and redundancy at every layer of Office 365 and design with the core principle of ensuring a highly available service.

Office 365 can inform your users if their access to SharePoint Online may be interrupted due to an ongoing service incident. The goal is to reduce the need for your users to call your help desk. Other Office 365 workloads will be supported in the coming months.

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Microsoft MPI v6 release

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Microsoft MPI (MS-MPI). MS-MPI v6 is the successor to the Microsoft MPI v5 redistributable package (released in November 2014).

Multi-job affinity support is designed to allow multiple affinitized MPI jobs to co-exist on a single machine without overlapping the cores they run on. The mpi runtime will now detect that there are existing jobs pinned to cores, and will launch subsequent jobs on cores that are not currently in use.


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SharePoint, Office 365 and Mobile Apps!!!!!!

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SharePoint Mobile and the range of options for developing mobile SharePoint solutions ranging from responsive web design to building native apps for each platform. Mobile is the next big thing for business now that the Bring Your Own Device genie is out of the bottle.
Mobile computing is fast-changing to the point of volatility. Companies and their products can appear, dominate the market, and then rapidly decline, all over the course of a few years. With so many options, and with more frameworks and tooling appearing all the time, long term planning to find the perfect development strategy is probably not going to be that useful.

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Azure HDInsight Introduces Built-in Integration with Azure Websites to do Web Log Analytics!!!!!!!!!

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all customers who deploy their websites and web apps using Azure Websites generate web logs that track all HTTP transactions and detailed error logging. These logs are stored in Azure Blobs as non-relational files that are semi-structured. Traditionally, semi-structured files are harder to analyze unless they are extracted and transformed into a relational table/database.
Enter Hadoop which was built for these specific use cases like the ability to analyze large volumes of non-relational files. As it relates to web logs, Hadoop can help you understand site metrics like overall web traffic, the length of time someone stays on the site, the effectiveness of certain pages or campaigns, etc.

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Visual Studio helps developers to visualize their Hadoop clusters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A deeper tooling experience for HDInsight in Visual Studio in the recent updates to the Azure SDK. This extension to Visual Studio helps developers to visualize their Hadoop clusters, tables and associated storage in familiar and powerful tools. Developers can now create and submit ad hoc Hive queries for HDInsight directly against a cluster from within Visual Studio, or build a Hive application that is managed like any other Visual Studio project.
Integration of HDInsight objects into the “Server Explorer” brings your big data assets onto the same page as other cloud services under Azure. This allows for quick and simple exploration of clusters, Hive tables and their schemas, down to querying the first 100 rows of a table.

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Introducing ASP.NET vNext and MVC 6!!!!!!!

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Part of the ASP.NET vNext initiative, ASP.NET MVC 6 represents a fundamental change to how Microsoft constructs and deploys web frameworks.

The goal is to create a host agnostic framework that eliminates the dependencies on the legacy System.Web infrastructure.

Microsoft feels that System.Web needs to be removed because it is actually quite expensive. A typical HttpContext object graph can consume 30K of memory per request. When working with small JSON-style requests this represents a disproportionately high cost. With MVC 6 new design, the pre-request overhead drops to roughly 2K.

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Advanced SharePoint Extranet Management: (ExCM) 2013 Advanced Features – User Automation!!!!!!!!!

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The ExCM User Automation (UA) feature can be used to apply recurring policies to accounts residing in the ExCM user database. These policies are applied by a SharePoint Timer Job, which periodically inspects each account.UA can be used to expire user accounts based on attributes such as periods of inactivity or failure to update their password within a specified period, solving the problem of user “housekeeping.”
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Microsoft releases SharePoint Server 2013 SP1; new version coming in 2015

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As part of their many announcements made at today’s 2014 SharePoint Conference, Microsoft revealed that SharePoint Server 2013 Service Pack 1 is now available for download. SP1 has a few improvements for the web-based content management and collaboration tools designed for enterprise customers.

The Office blog reveals what’s being put into this service pack. It includes a way to add a connection to the OneDrive for Business data storage service for Office 365 users, along with offering Yammer as an alternative to the default NewsFeed social network in SharePoint 2013. Finally, it adds support for JSON Light in OData v3 requests. Naturally there are a number of bug fixes in this SP1 release; it collects all of the patches that Microsoft has offered for SharePoint Server 2013 between December 2013 and February 2014.

IT admins who might have expected Microsoft to release a new version of SharePoint Server this year might be disappointed. Microsoft indicated that such a release won’t be made available until sometime in 2015. In the meantime, SharePoint Server 2013 will keep getting “the latest performance, security, and reliability fixes through ongoing releases of both public and cumulative updates”, according to the blog post.

Umbraco CMS Development Services!!!!!!!!!

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Umbraco is a free, open-source web CMS built on the Microsoft .NET Framework. Katpro have been working with Umbraco for a last one year. Our wide experience developing Umbraco CMS websites for all business and ecommerce systems for worldwide distributors.Umbraco CMS provides you with complete control over the design & content of your website.Umbraco powers HTML5 for devices running on different mobile platforms such as iPhone, Blackberry, Windows or Android. It integrates easily with Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft CRM. Other languages that are used by Umbraco CMS includes HTML, CSS, jQuery, and C#. This validates the extensibility offered by Umbraco CMS.
Katpro’s team of Umbraco developers offer effective services and support for umbraco users.Our designers and developers co-ordinate with each other as per your feedback for making the software good looking & attractive.
