Using Claims in your Web App is Easier with the new OWIN Security Components!!!!

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In the last few months the ASP.NET and Active Directory teams have been busy collaborating on a new OWIN-based programming model for securing modern ASP.NET applications. Today I have the privilege to announce the first developer preview of the OWIN components that will allow you to secure your ASP.NET applications with Windows Azure AD, ADFS and any other identity provider supporting WS-Federation.

Claims Based Identity and the .NET Framework

Claims based identity made its debut in the developer’s toolbox back in 2009, with the first release of Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). At that time the only people working with claims based identity were individuals with both development and administration background, often leaning on the latter, with deep understanding of the underlying security protocols. The introduction of classes that took care of the low level details and Visual Studio tools to facilitate app configuration helped more and more developers to take advantage of claims’ ability to cross boundaries between platforms and between on-premises and cloud. With the release of .NET 4.5 in 2012 all the WIF classes migrated in the .NET Framework, with System.Security.Claims moving into mscorlib itself. Starting with the release of Visual Studio 2013, support for claims based identity is available directly in the project templates out of the box. And all the while, we’ve been updating the out of the box functionalities by releasing NuGet libraries implementing the latest industry advancements (such as support for new lightweight token formats).
To read more about this, click here: